Press Play – Letter To Lisa (Official Music Video) [Shot by @Joeblo_4991]

Press Play – Letter To Lisa (Official Music Video) [Shot by @Joeblo_4991]

This song is super special to me. As some of you may or may not know, I am adopted. When I turned 18 I was allowed to look for, and reach out to my birth mom. Her name is Lisa. All I ever wanted to do as a kid was to meet my birth mom, just to see what she’s like. Well, you know they say “never meet your heroes” right? Well, when I was 21, I learned why. Although we never met, I did get a chance to talk to my birth mom one October morning. And to keep a long story short, she wasn’t too happy that I wanted to reach out to her. I explained to her I don’t want or need anything from her, just that I wanted to talk. But it didn’t matter. And that broke me for many years. I finally decided to put what I felt into a song so I can really start to process everything now, years later. If you read all of this, I love you. Never let anyone tell you what you can and can’t be in this life. If you want something, the only person stopping you from getting it, is you. Manifest your dreams! ▶️▶️▶️

(P.S. This is just the beginning.)

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